Why does he want to go to school you ask? I inquired. His reply was to ask another question.
“What do they do in first grade math? Are they only doing 6x3?”
I replied, “I don’t think they do multiplication in a first grade traditional classroom?”
“Whoa, so they do like 6+3?”
“I think so,” I reluctantly admitted.
“Cool, then I definitely want to go there.”
He decided that the work would be easier, so he wants to go the public school. The child is in first grade and has decided he wants to be a slacker. He is also under the mistaken impression that he will be finished faster and get to come home and play. Christian tried to correct Duncan’s idea of how a classroom functions, but I don’t think the little man got it.
Now, I am not a homeschool-is-the-only-way kind of gal. I would certainly listen to a request to attend a traditional classroom that was based on a logical argument, but this is ridiculous.
Anyway, it is snowing like crazy which is unusual for middle Tennessee. He has a friend over and they have played in the snow and played Wii.
However, he is being a grump. He has said that he is bored. The first time I let it slide, but now he has said it again. He is currently cleaning baseboards while his friend plays Wii. Arrgh!
Language Arts
Duncan continued his study of Christina Rossetti. He finished memorizing his second poem and next week we will start on a third. We also read Rossetti poems other than those he is memorizing.
I read aloud pp. 42-43 from Milo Winter’s Aesop for Children. For read-aloud Thursday we read Madeline.
Duncan read chapters 1-4 of Sword in the Tree.
Duncan played some in his beginning cursive book, did Wordly Wise Book 2 Lesson 12 and Plaid Phonics C pp.84-90.
Duncan completed Key to Fractions Book 4 pp.22-26 and Saxon 65 lessons 62-63. Duncan didn’t go to the math tutor, but he finished MEP 3A pp. 7-8.
This week Duncan learned about mountains. He read Let’s-Read-And-Find-Out Science How Mountains Are Made.
We learned the highest peaks on each of the continents.
I read aloud chapters 3 and 4 from The Story Book of Science.
He also watched some science videos from the library: Magic School Bus Human Body, Magic School Bus Kicks up a Storm (weather), and Bill Nye the Science Guy: Gravity.
History and Geography
Duncan again played with The Seven Continents of the World Jigsaw Book. We focused on the countries of Europe.
We studied the Battle of Hastings. We read p.218 in the Usborne Internet Linked Encyclopedia of World History and SOTW2 pp.136-139.
We learned that in 1066 William the Conqueror defeated King Harold of England at the Battle of Hastings.
Duncan practiced violin about 20 minutes a day and had a lesson Monday afternoon.
We began looking at the sculptures Donatello and listening to Gregorian chants.
This week we talked about primary colors and Duncan painted a beach ball rolling into the ocean using only primary colors.
We read Madeline this week and her friends brought her flowers to the hospital, so Duncan finger painted an impressionist version of a flower garden and sponge painted some additional flowers.