Friday, April 6, 2012

Week in Review, 4/2-4/6

Duncan is my third grader. This week he finished reading Ultra Hush-Hush and Spying and the Cold War by Michael Burgan. He started reading In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson by Bette Bao Lord. He practiced violin, but didn't have a lesson this week. He went to his math tutor. He worked on Kumon math and went to the center. He read some poetry from The Oxford Illustrated Book of American Children's Poems, completed some pages in his Spectrum 5th grade Phonics and Word Study, and finished a chapter about the cold war in America's History: Land of Liberty Vol.2. We had our last meeting of Classical Conversations.

Duncan finished his math section of Time4Learning. Previously, he completed language arts and started the next level. Since finishing social studies last week, he has been completing two language arts extensions in a sitting to work on finishing up that section. After he completed math, he began working through two science lessons in a sitting.

Next week Duncan will begin Moving Beyond the Page: Age 8-10, Concept 3: Similarities and Differences. At least this is the plan! I just ordered it on Wednesday and UPS tracking says that it should be here on Monday. I am excited that we will be starting something new! We did a little unit of MBP a number of years ago, but never a full concept. I can't wait to see how it goes.

The game plan is that he will work through the MBtP concept and then, the second week of July, begin a world geography and world cultures study using WinterPromise's Children around the World as a spine. :-)

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