Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wordless Wednesday- Thanksgiving

My mom and I. She left Sat. morning, so this is how I look without make-up and jewelry and before using a hairbrush. LOL But, I got the photo.

The big guy upon rolling out of bed.

Grayson managing to open his eyes.

The little man squinting beside his Gigi.

Taking the big guy back to college I65 north through KY was inching along.

Yes, some people back there are switching drivers on the interstate. This wasn't the only time I witnessed this move.

The big guy read.

Grayson read some and slept some.


  1. Sweet pics of the kids and their Gigi. So glad you survived the traffic!

  2. Great pictures! What was your son reading???? Inquiring minds want to know!

  3. your mom is a beautiful lady and you were so brave to tackle that traffic!!!

  4. That traffic is crazy! Is it always like that?

  5. What is the big guy reading?
    While in town Christian, picked up several light reading books. He wanted something fun that he wouldn't be required to think about. LOL I believe that was Bartimaeus: The Ring of Solomon.

    Is it always like that?
    No, I65N through KY is usually a very easy drive. It was just a holiday weekend and I guess an accident (that I never saw).
